To my mind I can't think of any example of the BBC publishing or generating 
SVG, but I know quite a few of our content management systems could generate 
SVG tomorrow if there was the desire, take up and need.

Secret[] Private[] Public[x]

Ian Forrester
Senior Backstage Producer

BBC R&D North Lab,
1st Floor Office, OB Base,
New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road,
Manchester, M60 1SJ 



[] On Behalf Of Jonathan Chetwynd
        Sent: 25 February 2010 12:36
        Subject: [backstage] s...@bbc?

        Has the BBC published anything at all in SVG* format?


        Jonathan Chetwynd

        * Internet Explorer may soon support SVG**, and Ordinance Survey, 
National Standards Office and the Meteorological Office already publish data in 
SVG format...
        and standards based browsers now have an xslt processors, and this can 
provide a convenient client-side method for transforming xml into SVG.

        **Patrick Dengler
        Senior Program Manager
        Internet Explorer Team
        yesterday we submitted our request to join the Scalable Vector Graphics 
(SVG) Working Group <>  of the World Wide Web 
Consortium (W3C) <> ....

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