Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users wrote at about 15:35:38 -0700 on Friday, 
October 2, 2020:
 > One recent addition which should be helpful is $Conf{ClientShareName2Path}
 > which allows you to map the share name to the real path (in this case, the
 > snapshot path).  There is, however, an open issue that I haven't addressed
 > yet which is that it also is applied during restore, which doesn't seem
 > like the right thing to do.
 > Craig

Craig, I have found that the native backuppc restore code (whether CLI
or web) is somewhat limited in terms of flexibility -- in addition, to
the concern you mention above, I also had difficulties in restoring
the shares to an arbitrary offset path...

I ended up running my own "klugey" shell command when testing my code
of form:

(NUM=1; BASE=/tmp/restore_point; SHARE=root; RESTORE=${SHARE%/}; 
RESTORE=${RESTORE##*/}-${NUM}; HOST=testmachine; FILESFROM=;MERGE="${NUM}/3/4"; 
LOG=1; sudo ${RSYNCBPC:-/usr/bin/rsync_bpc} --bpc-top-dir /var/lib/backuppc 
--bpc-host-name $HOST --bpc-share-name $SHARE --bpc-bkup-num $NUM 
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-merge $MERGE --bpc-attrib-new --bpc-log-level $LOG 
-e /usr/bin/sudo\ -h --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync --recursive --super 
--protect-args --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --times --links 
--hard-links --delete --partial --log-format=log:\ %o\ %i\ %B\ %8U,%8G\ %9l\ 
%f%L --stats --acls --xattrs ${FILESFROM:+--files-from=$FILESFROM} / 
localhost:${BASE}/${RESTORE} >| ${BASE}/${RESTORE}.restore 2>&1)

It would be great if there were at least a restore CLI command that
would allow more flexibility in terms of where the share is restored...

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