G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users wrote at about 15:08:51 +0000 on Sunday, 
January 10, 2021:
 > Hi there,
 > On Sun, 10 Jan 2021,  several authors wrote:
 > > > > Why do people like to install from source instead from packages?
 > > > > ... manually installing software ... would be the very last resort.
 > Sometimes packages are out of date.  For Debian, they can be
 > ridiculously out of date and sometimes there isn't even any maintained
 > package at all.  Although I use Debian a lot because it saves me a lot
 > of time for things like security updates, much of the time I'll install
 > from source because I want a reasonably up-to-date version of whatever
 > it is I happen to be installing.
 > > > I agree! I am OCD about keeping even my personal systems clean...
 > It's subjective.  You stick to the packages, I make notes.  Apparently
 > we both think of our systems as 'clean'.

I do both actually...
- I start with packages as much as possible (and take notes even
- Then I take detailed notes of all my changes.

Actually, whenever I modify a config file:
- I move the original to <config>.jorig
- I make my edits in <config>.jnew
- I then (soft) link <config> -> <config>.jnew

This has several advantages:
1. I can easily find all the configs I have manually modified
2. I can easily compare changes relative to the original
3. When packages are updated, they almost never overwrite the
   <config>.jnew or <config>.jorig; rather, they overwrite the link
   itself. This easily lets me find any changes made by updated
   packages relative to either the original or my own changes and I
   can modify as needed.

I have scripts that automate the above -- and together they keep my
system clean and in pace with updates. Even if I do a full upgrad, I
can easily find the changed configs and apply them to a new

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