On 10/30/23 12:45, Ghislain Adnet wrote:

 i was wondering if there was any way to restore from the command line. I need to restore all /home/ daily to another server

 I was trying to use


 but there is no docs and it fails for me as i try various things like

[~]: sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_restore myclientserver.com  /etc/vim/vimrc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_restore: bad reqFileName (arg #3): /etc/vim/vimrc

usage: /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_restore [-p] [-v] [-m] <hostIP> <client> <reqFileName>

any idea if this is possible ?
Ghislain ADNET.
Evidently "BackupPC_restore" is to be used only through the CGI. Follow the link to documentation from within the CGI and once there look for the title "Command-line restore options" where you will find the recommended commands and a some examples usages.

Jim KR

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