
On 30.11.2005 14:59, Jason Baker wrote:

I finally got Bacula 1.38 working on my shiny new Fedora Core 4 box yesterday, thanks to all who helped answer questions. I ran a full backup lastnight and actually ran out of tape space, so now I would like to reuse those tape and run another full. Here is my situation:

Bacula 1.38 on FC4 box using Postgres 8.1
HP Surestor 40x6 with 6 DDS-4 tapes.
I run a format script which is basically some MT and MTX commands:

    /etc/bacula/mtx-changer /dev/sg0 load 1 /dev/nst0 0
    mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
    mt -f /dev/st0 weof

I do this for all 6 tapes. This is of course when Bacula isn't running. Then I start Bacula and use the label command to label the tapes BACKUP01, BACKUP02...etc. Now I would like to reuse these tapes to perform another full backup, using the same label, but I don't want to have to go through the trouble of "reformatting" them every time I want to use them. Is there a way to do this? I have "Read the Fine Manual" and I'm not sure it is giving me the information I want. Thank you.

use the console commands prune, purge or delete.

Prune respects retention periods and thus is safe, but it will not free the volumes you used for testing, unless you set very short retention periods. Purge unconditionally frees the volumes. You really don't want to use that command in production mode, I think. Delete deletes records from the catalog, for example all jobs from a volume, so thatthe volume can be recycled.

See the corrsponding explanation in TFM.



IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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