> The FCC’s Net Neutrality proposal just leaked, and it’s terrible. Four
> million people spoke out against “slow lanes” and cable company
> censorship, and the FCC’s rules explicitly open the door for that kind
> of abuse. From what we’re hearing, they’re finalizing the rules right
> now. We can still stop this, but we have to act swiftly and show a
> strong response right away.
> We need an emergency protest in Washington, DC. Sign up and spread the
> word! <http://act.demandprogress.org/go/1383?t=1&akid=2753.1627305.1k6WZ9>
> Here’s the plan: we need to send a strong message to President Obama
> and the FCC right now that the Internet using public won’t just roll
> over and let them take our rights away. So, taking some inspiration
> from mass protests in Hungary that just defeated an unfair Internet
> Tax there, we’ll gather after dark at the White House and government
> buildings nationwide and hold up our glowing cell phones, laptops,
> tablets, to shine light on the corruption unfolding in Washington, DC
> that threatens our most basic freedoms.
> Will you join us on Thursday at the White House in Washington, DC? If
> you can’t make it, can you spread the word?
> Yes, I'll share or go to the action in Washington, DC on Thursday!
> <http://act.demandprogress.org/go/1383?t=2&akid=2753.1627305.1k6WZ9>
> The battle for the net is coming to head. Everything you can do right
> now matters more than you know. Here are the details for the event,
> please spread the word:
> *What: Vigil in front of the White House for the open Internet*
> *When: November 6th, 6pm EST*
> *Where : Gather in Lafayette Park, Washington DC (North Front of the
> White House)*
> *Bring: your cell phone, laptop, tablet, flashlight or candle to hold
> aloft in protest!*
> See you there,
> Demand Progress


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