Hi, Gilberto,

At 05:25 PM 5/6/2005, you wrote:
>>Is that really how the Bahai faith fits into the above framework?  It seems 
>>more like a particular understanding of Bahai orthodoxy? The analogy which 
>>comes to mind is that what you said sounds like a Christian saying "Of 
>>course, there are many different Christianities which are possible... as long 
>>as they accept the authority of the bishop of Rome and everything that 

As a Baha'i, I would say that these different Baha'i faiths need to operate in 
the context of the Baha'i Covenant. However, as a sociologist of religion, I 
would impose no such limitation.

I disagree that I am proposing a Baha'i orthodoxy. It would be more accurate to 
say that I am advocating Baha'i polydoxy or multidoxy.

>>By definition that excludes Protestants. And your definition of Bahai 
>>excludes Orthodox Bahais.<<

My definition, as a Baha'i, would exclude Orthodox Baha'is, not my definition 
as a sociologist of religion.

>>Just in general, it seems very hard to get around the issue. Anytime you take 
>>a religious group and you want to define it, by definition that means setting 
>>limits as to who is in, and who is out. And unless you simply accept everyone 
>>who self-identifies, it seems like you  would invariably (even if only 
>>implicitly) set up some criteria and draw the line in a way which excludes at 
>>least somebody from the group.<<

I don't think I have given any indications of excluding anyone. My messages 
were written from a sociological, not a Baha'i, standpoint. 

Via moderna, Mark A. Foster • Portal: http://markfoster.net
"... since [a] word is said to be common, it can be called a 
universal" - William of Ockham, Summa Logicae, Part I 

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