Susan Maneck wrote:
> > I have heard that he could also speak at least good 'tourist' French and
> > Italian, but don't know where these stories came from.
> Dear Don,
> His French was excellent. The Guardian was first educated in French at
> Catholic schools in Haifa and Lebanon. He counted in French his entire life.
> At the American University of Beirut French was his best subject and he
> often won prizes in it.
Susan -

With excellent French and English and passable German, he would have had no
trouble traveling in Europe.  I remember Ruhiyyih Khanum also saying on one of
these taped talks something to the effect that she always let him do the
talking when they were traveling, because he was the linguist.  

A bit off-topic, but I heard many years ago that he/they went to Prague before
WWII.  Have you ever heard anything to that effect?  There were so many
stories floating around during the 60's and early 70's that I've never seen documented.

Don C

 - - - - -
He who believes himself spiritual proves he is not.

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