----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Grolin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Susan Maneck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:50 AM
Subject: Moses and the Pentateuch

> Dear Richard,
> <It is interesting to note that no one of note has ever questioned that
> wrote the Bible around 400 B.C.>
> I certainly do question it and though I can think of some who would
> Ezra for that role, I don't think they are a majority. Deuteronomy may
> been composed (using older sources) around 400 BCE, but Genesis was
> composed before.
> <For matters of brevity I thought it advisable to leave out of my initial
> remarks the meagre attempt at exegeses that I could supply, as that is not
> my area of expertise.  Whether or not Genesis is "hardly likely to be
> historically true" cannot easily be determined until we are certain that
> evidence points in that direction. At this point I don't see the evidence
> that points away from its accuracy.>
> I was actually referring to whether or not Moses had composed the work.
> There are very few (even amongst the moderately conservative Christians)
> that actually think that Moses composed the five books attributed to Him.
> <It is equally interesting to note that what had to be done with regards
> the Qur'an, i.e. the copies were gathered, the most accurate was chosen
> published; was the same, over a shorter period of time;>
> The composition of the Qur'an and the Pentateuch were quite different as
> as history can determine. I don't know that this is the place to discuss a
> complex issue like this, however.
> <as that which came about with the Torah.  The Book which Moses set down>
> So you say, but my point is that there are actually few who think so.
> < was apparently destroyed by the Philistines when they carried away the
> of the Covenant. Afterwards those who had remembered it, had it set down.
> was lost or destroyed while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were exiled
> Babylon.  After their return to Jerusalem Ezra brought the three or four
> main factions of the religion (which factions had developed between the
> of Moses and Ezra) together and had them set it down.  The three or four
> lines of narrative can be detected in the various books of the Bible.>
> An interesting reconstruction. Again I don't think this is the forum to
> discuss such details.
> As usual I suggest that such discussion be moved to the Baha'i Biblical
> Studies list.
> Regards,
> Daniel

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