Hi mbak Ana,

Saya coba posting salah satu artikel ttg. Prenatal Hydrocephalus (PH)
...maaf masih versi bahasa Inggris.

Usia kandungan istri temannya mbak berapa?  Refer to artikel itu, paling
cepat di akhir masa trimester 1 usia kandungan, kemungkinan PH sudah bisa
dideteksi, bahkan hanya lewat alat ultrasound saja.  Tapi kadang kondisi
fetus bisa pulih kembali dengan sendirinya di usia kandungan akhir.

Metode lain untuk deteksi PH bisa menggunakan Amniocentesis.  Biasanya ini
prosedur normal untuk ibu hamil di usia 35 tahun ke atas.  Mungkin bisa
dicoba juga dengan USG 4 dimensi, apalagi kalau sekarang usia kandungan
sudah menginjak 20-an minggu ke atas.

Di artikel lain (British Columbia - Ministry of Health), disebutkan juga
penyebab PH diantaranya: pendarahan yang dialami janin dalam kandungan atau
infeksi yang dialami ibu hamil (mis. toksoplasma, cacar air, rubella atau

Kemungkinan advise medis untuk mempercepat persalinan sebelum usia kandungan
38 minggu, karena treatment untuk indikasi PH ini dilakukan setelah bayi
dilahirkan (walau tetap ada cara dilakukan operasi saat janin masih di
kandungan - tapi mungkin resiko komplikasi lebih besar).

Doa saya supaya kehamilan istri teman mbak, juga kondisi kesehatan sang
janin dapat penanganan yang tepat dan terbaik.

Sylvia - mum to Jovan & Rena

What Is Prenatal Hydrocephalus?

Prenatal hydrocephalus describes hydrocephalus that is diagnosed in utero
(before birth).

Hydrocephalus can be detected in a fetus as early as the latter part of the
first trimester of pregnancy. Around 20 to 24 weeks of gestation, abnormal
dilation of the fetus's ventricles is more clearly detectable.

Prenatal ultrasound, performed by a radiologist or perinatologist skilled in
obstetric ultrasound, is highly reliable and accurate. It will establish
that there is an abnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection but it may
not show the precise site of flow obstruction. The more important question
is what caused the hydrocephalus and to what degree are there other
malformations within the central nervous system. Amniocentesis (needle
aspiration of intrauterine fluid) can often detect the presence of open
neural tube defects, such as myelomeningocele, chromosome abnormalities and
in utero infections, and may indicate the severity of the fetal condition.
In general, early (first trimester) development of significant hydrocephalus
can be a bad prognostic sign for infant mortality and developmental
progress. In some cases, mild ventricular dilation identified by ultrasound
has resolved itself by the third trimester.

Prenatal hydrocephalus is generally not treated until after birth, when a
shunt may be inserted into the baby's brain to divert CSF fluid. While some
neurosurgeons have attempted in utero placement of a shunt, existing studies
indicate that there are few benefits of doing so and, in fact, the potential
complications outweigh the benefits.

There are many unknowns surrounding a prenatal diagnosis of hydrocephalus.
This can be very frightening, distressing and sad for expectant parents, and
extremely frustrating for the medical specialists who provide care. Although
the outlook and success rate for infants diagnosed at or after birth is
generally very high, there are limited studies available on the long-term
prognosis of those with prenatal-onset hydrocephalus. Much seems to depend
on the extent of associated brain and systemic abnormalities, structural
changes in the brain and the extent of the hydrocephalus. It is very
difficult to accurately predict future function based on morphology or
imaging. The more significant factor in the future development of children
with prenatal-onset hydrocephalus is the presence of continuing care and the
absence of complications such as infection or hemorrhage.


On 3/1/06, BLA-Berliana L. Tobing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Istri teman saya sedang khawatir banget karena bayi yang dikandungnya
ukuran kepalanya besar dan disarankan untuk ceasar walaupun belum sampai 38
minggu, untuk hal tersebut mohon bantuan infonya
> 1. Apakah bayi tersebut dapat diindikasikan terkena Hydrocephalus ?
> 2. Dengan USD 4 Dimensi apakah terdeteksi bahwa bayi yang dikandung
terkena Hydrocephalus ? atau adakah metode pemeriksaan yang akurat yang
dapat menerangkan kondisi kepala bayi tersebut ?
> 3. Apakah penyebab bayi berkepala besar ( Hydrocephalus ) didalam
kandungan ?


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