BB dan TB nya bagus banget gitu. Anak saya 4 bulan 1 minggu, baru 7.3 kg.
Lha anak mbak udah 8 kiloan lebih. Kalo dikasih makanan tambahan nolak, ya
berarti belum siap tuh dedeknya.Pelan-pelan aja, mbak. Mungkin emang belum

Ini saya kopikan dari artikel yg saya dapet di internet:
Is your baby ready?

Breast milk or formula is the only food your newborn needs. Within four to
six months, however, your baby will begin to develop the coordination to
move solid food from the front of the mouth to the back for swallowing. At
the same time, your baby's head control will improve and he or she will
learn to sit with support — essential skills for eating solid foods.

Most babies are ready for solid foods between ages 4 months and 6 months.
Look for these cues:

  - Can your baby hold his or her head in a steady, upright position?
  - Can your baby sit with support?
  - Does your baby seem hungry between regular feedings or wake for
  nighttime feedings after a period of sleeping through the night?
  - Is your baby interested in what you're eating?

If you answer no to any of these questions or you have a family history of
allergies, you may want to postpone solids for a while.
What to serve when

Continue feeding your baby breast milk or formula as usual. When your baby's
doctor says it's OK to begin varying the menu, mix 1 teaspoon of a
single-grain, iron-fortified baby cereal — preferably rice, which is least
likely to provoke food allergies — with 4 to 5 teaspoons of breast milk or
formula. Even if the cereal barely thickens the liquid, resist the
temptation to serve it from a bottle. Instead, help your baby sit upright
and offer the cereal with a small spoon once or twice a day.

Some babies eat cereal with gusto right from the start. Others are less
enthusiastic. Be patient. If your baby isn't interested, wait a week or two
and try again. Remember, your baby isn't used to food with texture.

When your baby gets the hang of swallowing runny cereal, mix it with less
liquid. Then gradually introduce pureed fruits, vegetables and other new
foods one at a time. Wait at least a week between each new food.

By age 10 months to 12 months, most babies can handle small portions of
finely chopped finger foods, including soft cheese, well-cooked pasta,
graham crackers and ground meat. After your baby's first birthday, mashed or
diced versions of whatever the rest of the family is eating will become the
main fare.
What about juice?

You can offer mild juices — preferably the fresh variety with added calcium
— when your baby is 6 months old. Limit it to 4 to 6 ounces a day, however,
and serve it in a cup. Too much juice may contribute to weight gain and
diarrhea, as well as thwart your baby's appetite for more nutritious solid
foods. Sipping juice throughout the day or while falling asleep may lead to
tooth decay.
Know what's off-limits

Don't offer cow's milk, eggs, citrus or honey before age 1, and don't offer
peanuts (including smooth peanut butter), fish or shellfish until age 3.
Cow's milk, eggs, peanuts and seafood may trigger an allergic reaction if
they're given too soon. Citrus can cause a painful diaper rash, and honey
may contain spores that can grow in a baby's intestinal tract and cause

Don't offer your baby foods that pose a choking hazard, including:

  - Small, slippery foods, such as whole grapes, hot dogs and hard candy

  - Dry foods that are hard to chew, such as popcorn, raw carrots and
  - Sticky or tough foods, such as peanut butter and large pieces of
  - Foods that may clump together, such as raisins

Also avoid home-prepared spinach, beets, turnips and collard greens, which
may contain high levels of potentially harmful compounds from soil

  - Infant botulism and

Make meals manageable

When your baby begins eating solid food, mealtime is sure to become an
adventure. Here's help making it more enjoyable — for both you and your

  - *Stay seated.* At first, you may feed your baby in an infant seat or
  propped on your lap. As soon as your baby can sit easily without support,
  use a highchair with a broad, stable base. Buckle the safety straps, and
  keep other children from climbing or hanging on to the highchair.
  - *Encourage exploration.* Your baby is likely to play with his or her
  food between bites. Although it's messy, hands-on fun helps fuel your baby's
  - *Introduce utensils.* Offer your baby a spoon to hold while you feed
  him or her with another spoon. As your baby's dexterity improves, encourage
  your baby to dip the spoon in food and bring it to his or her mouth.
  - *Offer a cup.* Feeding your baby breast milk or formula from a cup
  at mealtime can help pave the way for weaning. Most children can drink from
  a cup with a lid on their own by age 15 months.
  - *Dish individual servings.* Your baby may eat just a few teaspoons
  of food at a time. If you feed your baby directly from a jar or container,
  bacteria and saliva from the spoon can quickly spoil any leftovers.
  - *Avoid power struggles.* If your baby turns away from a certain
  food, don't push. Simply try again another time.
  - *Know when to call it quits.* When your baby has had enough to eat,
  he or she may turn away from the spoon, lean backward, or refuse to open his
  or her mouth. Don't force extra bites. As long as your baby's growth is on
  target, you can be confident that he or she is getting enough to eat.

Enjoy your baby's sloppy tray, gooey hands and sticky face. You're building
the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating.
 RELATED Articles

  - Breast-feeding and guilt: Interview with a Mayo Clinic
  - Breast-feeding: Pumping and maintaining your milk
  - Breast-feeding: Choosing a breast

Ask a Specialist

  - Organic baby food: Is it better than regular baby


  - Healthy Baby Center<>

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On 9/7/06, Ria Fitriana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

bener kata mbak sandra..ngapain juga dikasih makan sekarang??wong BB ama
TB-nya oke2 aja..gemuk malah kl menurutku...
udah mbak, kasih aja asi ekslusif mpe 6 bln mbak...
hehehe maaf nih rada sewot, soale anakku skrg yg ampir 10 bln dulu jg
diksh makan 4 bln, itu juga disuruh dsa-nya krn anakku kecil walopun bb-nya
normal sih..nah krn terobesesi pgn anakku gemuk kukasihlah dia MPASI..tau
gak apa akibatnya???

umur 8 bln, anakku kena diare berkelanjutan dan masalah ama
pencernaannya..ampe 1 bln pup-nya encer 2 mg ini pup-nya normal
kyk semula...jdnya skrg diksh susu soya ama asi pastinya..

nah sejak itu aku nyeseeellllll knp aku ksh MPASI sblm waktunya??soooo
mbaaakk...udah dehhh nyante aja, 6 bln nanti dia pasti mau makan...okayyy

gt aja deh..

sandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Apa gak kecepatan ngasi makanan ke anaknya.. Sebaiknya bayi diperkenalkan
dengan makanan padat pada usia 6 bulan, pada saat ini pencernaannya sudah
cukup sempurna untuk MPASI.

Jadi, sabar ya mbak...

Sebentar lagi, pasti banyak postingan dari para sesepuh BA tentang


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ella Zuyuna"
To: "balita"
Cc: "Andreas"
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Susah makan

> Dear Para Bunda....
> Ini adalah anak pertama kami,Perempuan BB 8,5 P
> 65.Sekarang 4 Bulan 3 minggu.dalam satu hari 540
> CC,susu Nan Ha,Jusnya jeruk dan Pepaya.Untuk Buburnya
> Goodmil yang alergi.
> 1.Kenapa bayi saya setiap makan,dan sendok sudah
> dibibir pasti menangis padahal kalo liat makanan
> pasti ada rasa ingin makan.Walaupun nangis pasti
> ditelan.
> Bagaimana solusiya
> 2.Untuk anak alergi untuk sementara tidak makan
> ikan,telur dan susu.Tapi bolehkan saya mengenalkan
> pada anak saya ikan salmon,kakap????Soalnya saya blom
> tahu anak saya alergi apa.tapi tidak sesering
> mungkin.Waktu saya hamil saya tiap hari selalu makan
> ikan tersebut.
> Terimakasih
> Ella Zuyuna

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