daftar obat terlarang berdasarkan surat resmi KBPOM/Ad I/04634
        tertanggal 16 April 2001

        01. Abdi Cold
        02. Abtudryl
        03. Afiflu
        04. Avarin
        05. Bestocol
        06. Caspol
        07. Colza
        08. Combiflu
        09. Contac-500
        10. Contrex
        11. Cough En-Exp
        12. Decold Forte
        13. Decotan
        14. Dextral Forte
        15. Diakaf
        16. Duribenza
        17. Famirex
        18. Flucella
        19. Fludexin
        20. Flugan
        21. Flugesik
        22. Flunax
        23. Flupac
        24. Flupas
        25. Flutamol Plus
        26. Fluvit C
        27. Fluzine
        28. Fortaflu
        29. Guakamling
        30. Histamin
        31. Intunal Forte
        32. Inza
        33. Lacoldin
        34. Metakom
        35. Mixagrip
        36. Neo Novapon
        37. Neozep Forte
        38. Nodrof
        39. Pilexal
        40. Procold
        41. Ramaflu
        42. Rhinegal
        43. Rhinodec
        44. Rhinopront
        45. Rhinotussal
        46. Sanaflu
        47. Sinutab
        48. Stop Cold
        49. Teraflu
        50. Tuseran Forte
        51. Tuzalos
        52. Tecorin Forte
        53. Triaminic
        54. Ultraflu
        55. Zanflu

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