Food & Nutrition 
Pleasing a picky eater 
Ages 2 to 4 
all know that a healthy, varied diet is important for our children's
growing bodies. But what if your child turns up his nose at just about
everything you prepare (or worse, has a full-fledged meltdown when a new
food is even near his dinner plate) and seems to subsist on a tiny and
inflexible list of food items?

First, take a deep breath. As long as he's eating something on a fairly
regular basis, your child won't starve — despite the sleepless nights you
spend convinced that he will. Next, read up on nutritionist-recommended,
parent-tested strategies for feeding your finicky eater:

• Find out just how many moms and dads share your food woes — then touch
base with other parents about your feeding concerns.

• Learn why your child is so choosy, and discover nutritionist-endorsed
strategies to get him to try new foods — plus feeding tips from your
fellow parents.

• Should you prepare separate meals for your picky eater? Get the answer.

• See tips from other parents on crafty ways to sneak vegetables into your
child's diet.

• Have a budding vegetarian on your hands? Discover how to make sure he
gets the protein he needs.

• It's one thing to relax about food when your picky eater is growing
normally, but that's easier said than done when he's underweight. Learn
whether your worry about his weight is warranted.

• Find out how vitamins can help bridge the nutritional gap.

• When you've run out of recipes, try these kid-friendly cookbooks for
meal ideas even picky eaters will love. 


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