Saya kirimkan artikelnya, semoga cepat sembuh ya.
Setahu saya, anak laki-laki lebih besar kemungkinan
step dari anak perempuan, selain itu semakin muda usia
anak saat pertama kali kena step semakin besar
kemungkinan berulangnya. Yang perlu diketahui adalah
penyebab step, apakah karena demam atau karena
penyakit lain (epilepsi, meningitis dll).
Jika step terjadi karena panas tinggi, tentu usaha
kita adalah mencegah agar panasnya tidak terlalu
tinggi dengan obat penurun panas dan kompres.
Ada yang bilang pemberian kopi encer secara teratur
bisa mencegah step meskipun belum ada penelitian
tentang ini. 

Mamanya Dafi

How can I tell if my child is having a seizure?
If your child is suddenly unresponsive and staring
vacantly, or seems to be twitching involuntarily, she
may be having a mild seizure. Mild seizures usually
last from a few seconds to a few minutes. If your
child becomes unconscious, falls to the floor, and
twitches or flails, she may be having a more serious
seizure. It will probably last only two to three
minutes, but in rare cases they last longer, and she
may lose bowel and bladder control. Keep in mind that
there are many different types of seizures and that
they can last anywhere from a few moments to more than
half an hour. 

What should I do during a seizure?
Turn your child on her side to prevent her from
choking on her own saliva, and wipe saliva away from
her mouth to keep her airway clear. As much as you'll
want to comfort her, there's nothing you can do to
help your child, aside from watching to make sure she
doesn't hurt herself. If she's had several seizures,
your doctor may ask you to try to videotape the next
one. This can be very helpful in determining what type
of seizure she's had and what kind of medication would
be most helpful. 

Seizures occur when the nerve cells in the brain fire
faster than usual as a result of nerve damage or
problems with the brain's chemistry. Both nerve damage
and brain chemistry irregularities can be caused by a
birth defect or by an injury to the brain or nervous
system, such as a blow to the head. Seizures in young
children don't usually signal epilepsy; they tend to
be caused by high fever. These "febrile" seizures are
usually harmless and quite common in children between
11 months and 5 years old. Toddlers also sometimes
hold their breath involuntarily after an injury or
crying jag, which can lead to a seizure, but they grow
out of the impulse within a few years. If your child
has had two or more seizures that were not caused by
fever, head trauma, or breath holding, she may have

What should I do if I think my child has had a
First try calling your pediatrician, who can help you
figure out how serious the seizure was and whether
your child needs to see a doctor right away. If you
can't reach your doctor, call 911. Your doctor may
recommend that you bring your child in for an
electroencephalograph (EEG) to record her brain's
electrical activity. It may look scary to watch the
technician attach electrodes to your child's head, but
the procedure is painless. From the results, your
doctor will be able to tell whether your child has had
a seizure, whether she's likely to have one again, and
whether further tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, are

Do seizures cause brain damage?
Even if people have them over many years, short
seizures do not cause any damage to the brain. Long
ones (usually 10 minutes or more) can cause brain
damage in some people, though. For this reason,
doctors consider a seizure that lasts for five minutes
or more a medical emergency, even for children who
have them regularly. 

--- mama nisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> para Netters Yth ,
> Kemaren malam anak pertama saya mengalami kejadian
> yang disebut orang dengan Steep , saya ingin
> menanyakan bagaimana cara penanggulangannya dan
> apakah
> akan terulang lagi dan bagaimana pencegahannya ??
> Terima kasih

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