Hi All,
   We have received workshops from different cities.
   Below are details of workshop

    Section ,                           Level,                   Date,
                         Url ,
                                  City ,                 State

     Machine Learning,         Beginner,              Friday, Apr. 07 2017,
      https://pythonexpress.in/workshop/191/ ,                     Munnar,

     Python2                          ,Beginner,             Saturday, Apr.
08 2017,      https://pythonexpress.in/workshop/192/,
 Mangalore ,      Karanataka

      Python2,                        Intermediate,         Sunday, Apr. 09
2017,        https://pythonexpress.in/workshop/187/,
 Kolkata,           West Bengal

Do let us know if you are interested or know anyone who can help in
conducting the workshop.
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