Hi all,

We have hosted a BangPypers event in the past and had promised information 
about our upcoming courses in Bangalore.

To recap, Byte Academy is a New York- based Academy that conducts short 
immersive courses in FullStack Python and Data Science. We are happy to give 
all members of the BangPypers group 15% off our full course fees. 

More information about the courses: 

Data Science:
Arguably the most comprehensive curriculum on offer in India, Byte’s Data 
Science course covers topics including data acquisition, data analysis, Pandas, 
prediction and machine learning, statistical modeling, Hadoop, SQL, NoSQL and 
more. Graduates go into roles such as Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Data 
Engineer and Data Architect after the program. The course uses Python to learn 
and apply the data science concepts. Candidates do not need any prior data 
science experience. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 2 projects 
by the end of the course. You can find more information at 

Full-Stack Python
Our Python Full-stack Python course teaches languages, frameworks, and computer 
science fundamentals that is needed to land a career in web development over a 
12 (full-time) period. The curriculum emphasizes Python, a coding language 
based on the foundational structure of networked programming. It provides 
instruction in other front and backend languages including JavaScript, 
HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3. Byte Academy aims to simulate a job environments in its 
classes and thus has heavy focus on teamwork, peer programming and project 
building (which can then be showcased to prospective employers to demonstrate 
their job-readiness). More information at http://byteacademy.co/courses/python 

Both courses are offered in Full-Time and Part-Time options. The Full-Time 
option runs Monday - Friday 10am to 6pm for 3 months.
The Part-Time course runs on Tuesday and Thursday 6pm to 9pm and Saturday 10am 
to 6pm for 6 months. 

The next cohort for both courses begins on 10th July and the application 
deadline is  23rd June, 11:59am. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or need any 
more information.

Saloni Samant
Byte Academy
+91 7760494717

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