
For the next 3 months, we are planning to have talks about machine learning
and deep learning.

For the first month i.e., July, we will have talks about fundamentals and
blocks of machine learning.

You are welcome to talk about basic topics like calculus with Python,
basics of Neural Networks, Bayesian probability and statistics with Python,
Linear regression, gradient descent etc.

If you are planning to give talks about specific tools like TensorFlow,
Theano e.t.c.,
or specific class of neural networks like Convolutional Neural Networks,
Neural Networks e.t.c., or about GPU programming, you can talk about it
in the upcoming meetups i.e., August or September.

If you need further information or if you are interested in giving a talk,
please leave a comment on the meetup page[1].

If you are giving a talk and if you expect audience to know about specific
please mention them as pre-requisites so that people will come prepared for
the talk.

[1]: https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/240151299/

Chillar Anand
BangPypers mailing list

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