Hello everyone,
     We're a startup headquartered in Kozhikode, Kerala and have been
operating for a while. Our mission is to bridge the skill gap in
engineering in India and we've been working towards that with a
combination of online and offline training programs. We used to run a
low volume high quality mentoring program that used Python as the
language for all projects and our Alumni are working in various
companies in Bangalore and abroad.

      Due to the Covid-19 situation, we've pivoted our offerings and
have moved much of our activities online. As part of this, we're
planning to conduct an online job fair in the coming month
(approximately early October). This is exclusively for freshers who are
looking for jobs in this climate. We intend to do a basic screening
through our platforms and after that, put promising freshers in touch
with companies who are participating.

     To plan the event and other details properly, I'd like to know how
many organisations would be interested in hiring such freshers. Please
email me directly if you are. Would love to discuss it with you.


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