Enya ayeuna loba nu kararitu Kang,

Kaasup ti Yahoo, Gmail... oge aya menta user id jeung password ceunah lamun
teu dibere bakal dihapus ID-na halaaah nipu teh mani kacida nya.


Mun manggih nu kararitu mah langsung SHIFT DEL weh hehehe. 


From: Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com [mailto:baraya_su...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of KangGde MGM
Sent: 18 Agustus 2010 8:59
To: .Milist Kisunda
Cc: .Milist Baraya_Sunda; .Milist Urang Sunda
Subject: [Baraya_Sunda] Telkom Alert ......!!!



Sampurasunnnnnnn baraya sadayana ......


Aya nu ngalungkeun surelek sapertos di handap ieu (kenging copy paste)
........ kahade ach .... sing atos-atos ..... Da sigana mah poihak telkomna
nyalira hanteu ngalakonan .... eta wae tina from-na (si pangirim) sihoreng
sanes pihak telkom.



----- Original Message ----- 

From: THE TELKOM WEBMAIL SUPPORT <mailto:ns...@sbcglobal.net>  

To: undisclosed <mailto:undisclosed%20recipients:>  recipients: 

Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:06 AM

Subject: Telkom Mail Alert !



Attn: Telkom Webmail User


Our webmail would be shutting down all unused Account due to the congestion
in our mail server. To confirm your active account you are require to fill
the form below and send back to us. This information would be needed to
verify your account and to avoid being closed.

Full name: 
User Name: 
Reconfirm Password: 


Thank you for using The Telkom Webmail Account!

Copyright C 2010 Telkom


 <http://www.kang-gde.cvmgm.com/> Image removed by sender.


 <ymsgr:sendIM?ganles>  <ymsgr:sendIM?ganles> Image removed by sender. Kang
Gde <ymsgr:sendIM?ganles> 

 lakonan pagawaean anu bisa dijalankeun poe ayeuna .........







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