Hi Arto,
I'm pretty sure, that you don't have one of them, because the had been found in the 80s I think. The whole series had been published by Tree edition - and is still available ...

Only one had been known before: The Vogl-manuscript for guitar and baroque lute, which is stored in a Klagenfurt library.

One of these manuscript is called the "Hueber"-manuscript. The other ones don't have other names as far as I know

Best regards

wikla schrieb:
Thanks Markus,

still some questions

On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 23:42:40 +0100, Markus Lutz <mar...@gmlutz.de> wrote:

A-ETgoëss is the sigla for the Goess library-

In mss.slweiss.de there are about 7 Goesses. Seems to be a very valuable
collection of baroque lute mss., reading Peter S's listings! How could I
find out, whether I already have some of these - perhaps by another name?
And if/when I do not have them, where could I find them?

Well, lots of questions, no hurry to find answers... ;-)

Best regards,


Best regards

wikla schrieb:
Dear Markus and all.

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 23:09:36 +0100, Markus Lutz <mar...@gmlutz.de>
BTW: A-Goess means
EBENTHAL, Grafen Goëss'sche Primogenitur-Fideikommiss-Bibliothek
So is this perhaps the same as the informally so called "Wien 17 706"? I
guess not?

Anyhow and btw that "informal name" is in the microfilm I got from the
museum in Wien a couple of decades ago...
By what name could the microfilm named "Oesterreichische
Nationalbibliothek... COD 17 706" in the film, be called today? And are
there different names in every paper pointing to that ms.?

This "Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek... COD 17 706" happens to be
one with the theorbo Allemende by "Anchelo Michiele"...

Still confused... ;-)

All the best,


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