I've spent some time with the Weiss `a Rome MS over the years, and
   find the pieces attributed to Weiss to be what one would expect of
   juvenalia. Some interesting ideas, harbingers of things to come, but
   little more than that.
   That said, I've performed the Db (i.e., d minor) Fantasia in a number
   of concerts, to good effect, and have also arranged and performed the
   Adagio/Allegro in C a number of times. The latter piece needed rather
   more editorial intervention that the former, but had its charms.
   In short, it's not a manuscript I'd recommend to someone, unless she/he
   were looking for a chance to practice editorial skills, or had
   exhausted the other 11-course sources. The pieces attributed to Weiss
   (in this MS) are worth a look and a read-through, but I find no real
   gems among them.
   My two-cents worth.
   Timothy Burris


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