> On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 08:15:12PM +0200, Reinhold Schoeb wrote:
> > > Also, does your device allow you to set the number of retries? ?You
> > > might want to set this to 10 or more.
> >
> > No, I can only choose between 3 til 5.
> Interesting.  This would be the problem. :-)
> Most devices seem to allow for 10 retries.  I'm not sure why yours is
> different, but perhaps throwing an exception at 5 reties left, like
> Barry does, is a bit extreme.
> I've updated the latest CVS to throw this exception at 2 instead of 5,
> which should fix the issue you are having.
> I notice you are using prebuilt binaries, so to test this, you'll need to
> compile things yourself.  This is actually fairly easy.
> If you have cvs, autoconf, automake, libtool, g++ installed, you can do the
> following to build and test:
> Download from CVS:
> cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/barry login
> (press enter when it asks for password)
> cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/barry co -P
> barry
> Then build the command line tools:
>       cd barry
>       ./buildgen.sh
>       ./configure
>       make
> Then test that btool works, with:
>       tools/btool -t -P password
> Please report back whether this works for you or not.  If it does, I can
> help step you through building your own binary packages if you like.

Hi Chris,

Thanks a lot for your help. With your new CVS version everything works great, 
including barrybackup :-)


FYI: I have it now running with Debian Sid amd64.

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