On 17/05/2011 17:38, Chris Frey wrote:
> Hi Toby,
> The other "usb interface" is not a pure USB interface at all, but the
> RIM driver that comes with Windows.  They provide a low level mechanism
> that supplies the functionality of socket.cc, packet.cc, etc.
Ah, that makes sense. Is this the interface that BBDevMgr.exe exposes 
via a COM object? The one described by:

> I had hoped that maybe Barry could support this, but I'm not sure if the
> RIM software license will allow it.  Until then, I want to keep the
> ability to turn off low level USB support.  This is only needed if we
> have to implement our own socket and packet functionality.
Is there any way to build this Barry without low level USB support? Or 
is it just a future possibility that you want to make easier by 
organising the code in such a way?
> Feel free to add your libusb 1.0 / 0.1 switching logic inside USB_LIBUSB
> blocks.  You can do this once, if possible, and put this in other headers.
Ok. I'll probably rename the define to something about low level USB 
support to make it clearer if Barry is ever ported to platforms without 
> Let me know if this explanation is not clear enough :-)
Nope, that's good enough for me, thanks.



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