Hi list,

I'm not in a hurry to move to C++11 support, but I do realize that it has
some useful features that would make programming easier.  So someday
Barry will likely use some C++11 features.

The question is: when? :-)

I base a lot of my work and "what's supported?" decisions on the latest
release of Debian stable.  I often upgrade a few months late, too, when
a new stable release of Debian comes out.

I don't know what compiler will be in Wheezy when it becomes stable,
but I assume it will have some support.

Ubuntu 10.04 will likely still be one of the LTS candidates by that time,
and it's C++11 support is limited, to my knowledge.

So I doubt any C++11 stuff will creep into Barry in the next year.

But after 2012?  That depends on the compilers you guys normally use.
Please let me know what is in common use these days, and how long you
plan to use them.

- Chris

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