Ok, I thought about this and I came up with some kind of a solution.

Ask the user to use the data exporter to store the data in a file. (so it
will appear in his directories and files).
Then i can create a webservice (in java) that can login to Base and can
retrieve the file given the folder it is stored in.
>From my other app. , I can ask for username, pwd, the file folder and
filename, send this to my webservice which retrieves the data.

The only remaining question is: how can my webservice get to the "files and
One possibility is, i think, to get it using it's url. That would be

Is it the session id between view/ and /home?

thx for all your help,


2007/9/27, Nicklas Nordborg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Peter Mertens wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > again i have another question for you.
> >
> > I have developed a normalization plugin for Base.
> > But now i want this normalized data back out of base to use it in
> > another application. I wanted to do this using the webservices, since
> > this is, according to me, the only way.
> > Now i have 2 problems:
> > First,  the normalized data is not stored in a file but read into a
> > table. Is there a way to also store it in a file and attach this to the
> > raw bioassay.
> It would be better to attach it to the bioassay set. In any case it is
> currently not possible. We are working with a solution for this and it
> will be released in 2.5. See http://base.thep.lu.se/ticket/721 for more
> information.
> > Second, the webservices are not able to handle this (downloading files
> > other then cel and cdf), up till now. I'm willing to edit the services
> > to make this service available. But then i need to get the location of
> > the file that stores the normalized data.
> The web services was developed as a proof of concept. It was never
> intended to be used in real applications. Most of the functionality is
> hard-coded and the design (or lack of design) is not something to
> continue building on.
> The 2.5 release will hopefully include some sort of web services in the
> main branch. We are currently discussing what functionality to include
> as part of the web services. From user feedback the possibility to
> access files that are part of an experiment seems to be an important
> feature so there is a good possibility that this will be included.
> > Any ideas to handle this?
> 1) Help us out with the web services implementation. But since details
> are a bit vague right now I don't know how to synchronize this with
> external developers.
> 2) Export the data from the database to a file. This can be done
> manually and fed to your application or by the use of a servlet and
> export plug-ins. See for example the code that MeV uses to download data
> directly from BASE:
> http://base.thep.lu.se/browser/trunk/src/clients/web/net/sf/basedb/clients/web/servlet/MevExport.java
> This code uses the BioAssaySetExporter in MeV mode. MeV uses the servlet
> like this:
> http://server.name/base2/plugins/org/tigr/microarray/mev/export?ID=
> <SessionID>&bioassayset_id=<id>
> where <SessionId> should be replaced with the current user's session ID
>   and <id> with the id of the bioassayset to export data from. If your
> application can handle the MeV file format you can use the existing
> servlet, otherwise you need to create a new servlet and possible also a
> new export plug-in.
> 3) Well... wait for 2.5 and hope for the best...
> /Nicklas
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