Hello BASE team,

We really enjoy the set of batch uploading plugins and were doing a little training for our users in Bergen. Everything seemed great except that they couldn't link freshly created scans with image files. I read in the example spreadsheet that it is not supported and was very surprised since similar 'file attaching' works very nice for raw bioassays. I sat down, did some copy pasting from RawBioAssayImporter and after little edits it worked (source attached).

I hope that you can make some use of it.

All the best,
	$Id: ScanImporter.java 4551 2008-09-29 07:47:24Z nicklas $

	Copyright (C) 2008 Nicklas Nordborg

	This file is part of BASE - BioArray Software Environment.
	Available at http://base.thep.lu.se/

	BASE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	BASE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with BASE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.basedb.plugins.batchimport;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import net.sf.basedb.core.DbControl;
import net.sf.basedb.core.File;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Hardware;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Hybridization;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Image;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Item;
import net.sf.basedb.core.ItemQuery;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Path;
import net.sf.basedb.core.PathParameterType;
import net.sf.basedb.core.PluginParameter;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Protocol;
import net.sf.basedb.core.ProtocolType;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Scan;
import net.sf.basedb.core.SystemItems;
import net.sf.basedb.core.Version;
import net.sf.basedb.core.plugin.About;
import net.sf.basedb.core.plugin.AboutImpl;
import net.sf.basedb.core.plugin.GuiContext;
import net.sf.basedb.util.parser.FlatFileParser;
import net.sf.basedb.util.parser.Mapper;

	Plug-in for importing scan items in a batch. The plug-in can create new 
	items and updated existing items.

	@author nicklas
	@version 2.8
	@base.modified $Date: 2008-09-29 09:47:24 +0200 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008) $
public class ScanImporterNMC
	extends AbstractItemImporter<Scan>

	private static final Set<GuiContext> guiContexts =  
		Collections.singleton(new GuiContext(Item.SCAN, GuiContext.Type.LIST));

	private static final About about =
		new AboutImpl
			"Scan importer with images",
			"Imports and updates scans in a batch (linking with images).",
			Version.getMajor() + "." + Version.getMinor() + "." + Version.getMaintenance(),
			"2008, Base 2 development team",

	protected static final PluginParameter<String> hardwareColumnMapping = new PluginParameter<String>(
			"Mapping that picks the name or ID of the array slide scanner from the data columns. " +
			"The plug-in will first try to find a scanner with the given name. If none is found and " +
			"the value is numeric it will try to load by internal ID. " +
			"Example: \\Scanner\\",

	protected static final PluginParameter<String> hybridizationColumnMapping = new PluginParameter<String>(
			"Mapping that picks the name or ID of the hybridization from the data columns. " +
			"The plug-in will first try to find a hybridization with the given name. If none is found and " +
			"the value is numeric it will try to load by internal ID. " +
			"Example: \\Hybridization\\",
	// extra parameter needed for linking with image files
	protected static final PluginParameter<String> fileColumnMapping = new PluginParameter<String>(
			"Mapping that picks the path of a image file from the columns. " +
			"The path can be an absolute path (starting with /) or relative " +
			"to the 'Data directory' parameter." +
			"Example: \\File\\",
	public ScanImporterNMC()

		From the Plugin interface
	public About getAbout()
		return about;
	// ------------------------------------

		From the InteractivePlugin interface
	public Set<GuiContext> getGuiContexts()
		return guiContexts;
	// ------------------------------------

		From the AbstractItemImporter class
	private Mapper nameMapper;
	private Mapper descriptionMapper;
	private Mapper protocolMapper;
	private Mapper hardwareMapper;
	private Mapper hybridizationMapper;
	//extra mappers for linking with image file
	private Mapper fileMapper;
	private String imagesDirectory;
		Useable methods are:
		<li>{...@link PropertyIdMethod#NAME}
		<li>{...@link InternalIdMethod#INTERNAL_ID}
		<li>{...@link FallbackIdMethod#NAME_OR_ID}
	protected IdMethod[] getIdMethods()
		return new IdMethod[] { PropertyIdMethod.NAME,  
				InternalIdMethod.INTERNAL_ID, FallbackIdMethod.NAME_OR_ID};
	Add parameter for "Image directory" directory where image files may be located. 
	protected void addMoreJobParameters(List<PluginParameter<?>> parameters)
		parameters.add(new PluginParameter<String>(
				"Images directory",
				"A base directory were image files are located. Relative file paths are " +
				"resolved against this directory. If no directory is given, only absolute " +
				"paths (=paths starting with /) can be used.",
				new PathParameterType(Path.Type.DIRECTORY))

		Adds column mappings for name, externalId, description,
		protocol, creation date, original quantity, pooled, parent
		and used quantity from parent.
	protected void addMoreColumnMappingParameters(List<PluginParameter<?>> parameters)
		Calls {...@link Scan#getQuery()}.
	protected ItemQuery<Scan> createItemQuery()
		return Scan.getQuery();
	protected void createColumnMappers(FlatFileParser ffp, boolean cropStrings)
		nameMapper = getMapper(ffp, (String)job.getValue("nameColumnMapping"), 
				cropStrings ? Scan.MAX_NAME_LENGTH : null, null);
		descriptionMapper = getMapper(ffp, (String)job.getValue("descriptionColumnMapping"), 
				cropStrings ? Scan.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH : null, null);
		protocolMapper = getMapper(ffp, (String)job.getValue("protocolColumnMapping"), null, null);
		hardwareMapper = getMapper(ffp, (String)job.getValue("hardwareColumnMapping"), null, null);
		hybridizationMapper = getMapper(ffp, (String)job.getValue("hybridizationColumnMapping"), null, null);	
		fileMapper = getMapper(ffp, (String)job.getValue("fileColumnMapping"), null, null);
		imagesDirectory = (String)job.getValue("imagesDirectory");
		if (imagesDirectory != null && !imagesDirectory.endsWith("/"))
			imagesDirectory += "/";
	protected Scan createItem(DbControl dc, FlatFileParser.Data data)
		Hybridization hyb = null;
		if (hybridizationMapper != null) 
			hyb = findHybridization(dc, FallbackIdMethod.NAME_OR_ID, hybridizationMapper.getValue(data));

		Scan scan = Scan.getNew(dc, hyb);
		updateItem(dc, scan, data);
		return scan;
	protected void updateItem(DbControl dc, Scan scan, FlatFileParser.Data data)
		if (nameMapper != null) scan.setName(nameMapper.getValue(data));
		if (descriptionMapper != null) scan.setDescription(descriptionMapper.getValue(data));
		if (hybridizationMapper != null && scan.isInDatabase()) 
			String nameOrId = hybridizationMapper.getValue(data);
			if (nameOrId != null)
				Hybridization hyb = findHybridization(dc, FallbackIdMethod.NAME_OR_ID, hybridizationMapper.getValue(data));
		if (protocolMapper != null) 
			String nameOrId = protocolMapper.getValue(data);
			ProtocolType type = ProtocolType.getById(dc, SystemItems.getId(ProtocolType.SCANNING));
			Protocol protocol = findProtocol(dc, FallbackIdMethod.NAME_OR_ID, nameOrId, type);
			if (nameOrId == null || protocol != null) scan.setProtocol(protocol);
		if (hardwareMapper != null)
			String nameOrId = hardwareMapper.getValue(data);
			Hardware scanner = findScanner(dc, FallbackIdMethod.NAME_OR_ID, nameOrId);
			if (nameOrId == null || scanner != null) scan.setScanner(scanner);
		updateMultiLineItem(dc, scan, data, 0);
	protected void updateMultiLineItem(DbControl dc, Scan scan, FlatFileParser.Data data, int multiLineNum)
		if (fileMapper != null) {
			String filePath = fileMapper.getValue(data);
			File file = null;
			if (filePath != null)
				if (!filePath.startsWith("/") && imagesDirectory != null) 
					filePath = imagesDirectory + filePath;
				file = File.getByPath(dc, new Path(filePath, Path.Type.FILE), false);
			if (file != null)
				Image image = scan.newImage();
				dc.saveItemIf(scan, image, false);
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