Micha Bayer wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way of programmatically storing externally normalized
> microarray data in BASE? I have been looking through the API but can't
> seem to find an obvious way of doing this.
> We run a workflow outside BASE (currently in GenePattern) which pulls
> data out of BASE (using the BASE client API) and then normalizes it
> using an R script that calls Bioconductor functions. I then need to
> store that normalized data back into BASE so it can be reused later,
> rather than having to do the lengthy normalization again. 
> Is there a way of creating BioAssaySet objects directly and importing
> the external data into it? And do I need to create a root BioAssaySet
> first? I am kind of out of my depth here...... :-)

Yes, it is possible to do this the same way as, for example, the 
existing Lowess normalization plug-in does it. This is the general outline:

1. Call BioassaySet.newTransformation() to create a new transformation 
item. Give it a meaningful name and description, e.g. "GenePattern 
normalization using XXX method...."
2. Call Transformation.newProduct() to create the child bioassayset that 
stores the normalized data. Give it also a meaningful name and description.
3. Call BioassaySet.getSpotBatcher() to create a SpotBatcher object. Use 
the insert() method to store the normalized intensities.

The above procedure can be used when you already have a (root) 
bioassayset with your data. If you start out with raw data you must 
create a root bioassayset. In this case, you should call 
Experiment.newTransformation() to create the transformation in the first 
step. In step 3 you may also have to do:

BioAssaySet.getPositionBatcher() which is used to assign reporters to 
the normalized data, and BioAssaySet.getMappingBatcher() if you need to 
keep links to the raw data.

I don't know if this made things clearer for you. There is also some 
information available at 
The document is rather old and I can't say if it is correct in all details.

You can also check the code for the RMAExpress plug-in 
which also uses an external program (RMAExpress) for normalization of 
Affymetrix data.


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