On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:42:24 +0200
Marc van Grootel <marc.van.groo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I will try to come up with a simple but representative example this evening.

Note, if you are proposing a change to the XQuery languuage itself, the XQuery 
WG and the XSLT WG are aware of limitations in our syntax and the fact you 
can't call a function with a signature like fn:concat() using a function item; 
a concrete proposal would for sure be discussed by the Working Groups when they 
next meet jointly in September, although it is almost certainly too late for 
XQuery 3.1. The way to get it considered is to file a bugillza issue/bug; see 
www.w3.org/XML/Query for pointers to doing that.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
W3C staff participant for XQuery
Pictures from old books: http://fromoldbooks.org/

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