serialize() does just what I want:

        let $map := dftest:testResolveTopicOrMapUri($repo, $branch)
        return serialize($map)



Eliot Kimber, Owner
Contrext, LLC

On 4/17/15, 12:43 PM, "Christian Grün" <> wrote:

>> declare function dftest:xmlToHtmlCode($nodes as node()*) as node()* {
>>   <pre>{
>>   for $node in $nodes
>>       return dftest:nodeToHtml($node)
>>   }</pre>
>> };
>You could serialize the nodes...
>  let $input := <x/>
>  return <pre>{ serialize($input) }</pre>
>...or directly retrieve them from a file:
>  let $input := fn:unparsed-text(...)
>  return <pre>{ $input }</pre>
>let $text := '<x/>'
>return <pre>{ $text }</pre>
>I see.. This won't work, because the children of the pre node
>> That is, I just want to format the XML markup within a <pre> element.
>> The result could be arbitrary XML elements, not necessarily a complete
>> document.
>> Cheers,
>> E.
>> —————
>> Eliot Kimber, Owner
>> Contrext, LLC
>> On 4/17/15, 12:13 PM, "Christian Grün" <>
>>>> I'm use the RESTXQ stuff (very nice) to build a little DITA link
>>>> management application. In the service of this I need to sometimes
>>>> the raw XML source of the docs in the repo.
>>>Did you e.g. try to embed the results of file:read-text() or
>>>fn:unparsed-text() ?
>>>But I may have got wrong what you are trying to do. I am not sure what
>>>part of the DBA you are talking about.. Do you refer to the result
>>>view of the query panel? Maybe you need to specify different
>>>serialization parameters (i.e., a different output method) as
>>>described in our Wiki.
>>>On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Eliot Kimber <>
>>>> I looked at the DBA Web app and it looks like it's using some
>>>> for this and I didn't see any obvious solution in the various BaseX
>>>> packages, but I could have missed something.
>>>> I hacked a quick little typeswitch transform just to get something but
>>>> doesn't preserve newlines from the source XML (but I notice the DBA
>>>> app does, so they must be preserved under the covers).
>>>> Is there a built-in way to generate escaped XML for use in e.g., HTML
>>>> <pre> or is there some silly thing I need to do in my typeswitch to
>>>> sure the newlines make it to the HTML result?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eliot
>>>> —————
>>>> Eliot Kimber, Owner
>>>> Contrext, LLC

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