Using the latest DBA Web app from 8.2.1 when I get an error from a query
run from the Query panel the only response I get on that page is
"[FORG0001] Cannot cast to xs:double: ""."

Using this query:

declare %rest:path('invalid') function local:err() {
  1 + <a/>


I get the full trace result if I for example try to run one of my own
RESTXQ functions and there is an error, but not in the DBA app. I'm using
the DBA app to test and debug my code (and it's very convenient for that).



Eliot Kimber, Owner
Contrext, LLC

On 7/20/15, 12:03 AM, "Christian Grün" <> wrote:

>> However, when there are runtime errors it only reports the error,
>> but not the code that produced it.
>Sorry, I need more information. The following query...
>declare %rest:path('invalid') function local:err() {
>  1 + <a/>
>...results in the following runtime error:
>    Stopped at (...path to webapp...), 2/6:
>[FORG0001] Cannot cast to xs:double: "".
>Stack Trace:
>- (...path to webapp...), 1/40

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