Cool--I'll try it as soon as I can. I have my own BaseX-based container
with a custom Web app working now, but based on my own small mod of an
earlier Dockerfile. Looks like this version addresses the issue I had
(creating volumes in the base container made it impossible to add repos or
webapps in using Dockerfiles).


Eliot Kimber, Owner
Contrext, LLC

On 2/19/16, 3:54 PM, "Jens Erat"
< on behalf of> wrote:

>Dear BaseX community,
>over the last weeks, interest in Docker utilization with BaseX hevily
>increased, and several images have been proposed. I've already made some
>experience running a BaseX pet project in BaseX for about a year now,
>and together with the BaseX core team created an image based on those
>experiences and current best practices.
>basex/basexhttp Docker Image
>Finally there's the official basex/basexhttp Docker image readily
>available on the Docker Hub. It's an automated build directly from
>source, with nightly builds and tagged builds for future BaseX releases
>(starting with 8.4.1/8.5, whatever will come first). It is derived from
>the Maven base image (and thus Debian), and is automatically updated
>when the base images experience updates (like Java security fixes).
>While the image is named basexhttp and always includes the HTTP server,
>it can also be used for running the plain basexserver or even basexclient.
>DBA Application Container
>As an example for deriving your own application images and also for
>interfacing BaseX for administrative tasks and ad-hoc queries, the DBA
>is also made available as a container.
>As you're used to, documentation is available in the BaseX wiki.
>- - -
>If you've got any feedback, questions or proposals, feel free to get in
>touch with me or the core BaseX team on the usual ways.
>Kind regards from Lake Constance, Germany,
>Jens Erat
> [phone]: tel:+49-151-56961126
>  [mail]:
>   [web]:
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