Meeting #1566 - Monday, 7 September, 2020

Called to order at 20:05

Total of 11 log-ins

The minutes of meeting 1565 were accepted as:  Probably available somewhere.

Treasurer. Same as last week?

Vice President: Nothing Fannish to report.
Vice President for Life (Tamera Capp):  Being sucked in to Harry Potter 
political fics, as well as writing her own Harry Potter fic.

President: Not present.

No committees reporting.

No new business.

DaveC posed a question to the group. And was answered.


Launch window: 0200-0430 GMT on 11th (10:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. EDT on (10th/11th)
Launch site: Pacific Spaceport Complex, Kodiak Island, Alaska
A commercial small satellite launch vehicle developed by Astra will make its 
first orbital launch attempt. Astra says there will be no payloads on this test 
flight. Scrubbed on Aug. 2 due to upper level winds and boat in range. Scrubbed 
on Aug. 4 and Aug. 6. Delayed from Aug. 30 due to poor weather forecast. [Aug. 
28] see: <> 

Festival of the Living Rooms #4 this weekend FB and YouTube. Performances by 
many, including the Capps! Music by people around the world from their living 

Climatalogical: Denver is going form 100 to snow at 3am. 
The Capps are living this.


Caught part of Dragoncon over the weekend. Payed the $10, to make sure he could 
see George Robb. Also watched a couple other skeptic track panels. Fell down on 
finding the full schedule grid (at the end of the 20-page getting started doc.) 
Some tracks run the whole convention (so much that it’s almost its own con!)
Cliff went to part of it. No Discord community like other OnlineCons. Liked 
some of the old panels, including some of the past panels. Panel on cooking, 
eating and growing food on Mars was riveting. The $10 grants access to the 
panels for the whole year.

Star Trek Lower Decks Was avoiding because he’s kind 
of lazy watching  Comcast more than his streaming, and not fond of animation 
based on live action. Not disappointed, but not that good. Characters more 
frenetic than they need to be. Good job of cultural things on other planets. 
Goes further than they cold have for the Enterprise… Surprised at the romantic 
(and non-romantic) pairings.  All in all, wouldn’t pay extra for it, but worth 
full price.
Valerie: Enjoying it. Trying to spoof its own franchise. More realistic humans 
vs. utopian ideal in the live-action shows. They actually feel a bit like 
con-goers! Fun in-show referencing the history.
Ken: Interesting to note that it kind of follows from the original animated 
series with a cat-person.
Cliff: Recommends the DC Fontana story “Yesteryear”, a Larry Niven story and a 
sequel to Tribbles.

Finished watching season 1 of Stargirl. Enjoyed it very much. 20 years after 
the Justice Society of Amerca is all killed off by the Injustice Society. 
Stepdaughter of the sole survivor is chosen by the cosmic lamp. Enjoyable. 
Material taken most seriously of DC TV adaptations – more intelligently 
written. Recommends.
Valerie: Was not impressed by episode 1 - so conventional… But then she gets 
her group together, and has came around on it. Feels like runaways.

DC Fonatana nostalgia trip… Was recently reading reviews of Galaxy Quest on 
IMDB. People who thought it was not funny seemed to be non-Americans. Asked DC 
what she thought of it was, and the response was that she was ROTFL. Gayle 
would gives it an 8/10 stars.
Cliff: Showing off his Obama Hope style “Never Give Up…” mug. Was opposite The 
Matrix for the Hugo. Cory Doctorow was presenting the award for that category 
and said “Never Give Up…” and a roar from the audience finished with “Never 
surrender.” The co-cretors were excited to win. Cliff was so the nerdy kid 
who’s parents were glad when he was outside, that he had to show the film to 
his parents. Re-watched the ending and noticed  that Guy expects to die (but 

MetOpera Streaming: The Tempest. Got caught up in it. Modernization of 
Shakespeare. Scenery was beautiful, singers wonderful.

Rumor of the Week:  

California fires are larger on the inside.

Adjourned at: 21:08
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