Meeting #1634 - Monday, 27 December, 2021

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link: 

Called to order at 20:07

Total of 11 (legit) log-ins

The minutes of meeting 1633 were accepted as:  Echo, Echo, Echo, Echo, Echo...

Regular: $15,737.77
Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via PayPal - sent to = 

Vice President
Nothing Fannish to report. 

Not present.


ZOOM "Committee"
There is a new registration link (and corresponding meeting information). You 
only need to register once, and you can use the same information each week.

Relocation Committee
Denny's may not be good for us. They are sticking to the minimums, which we 
generally wouldn't have an issue with. The standard weekday minimum is $150, 
but holidays (which we may have a smaller group) is $200. We still have Dutch 
Goose in Menlo Park as an option. Please keep a lookout for restaurants with 
meeting rooms, and open later on Mondays (preferably until 10 pm)

New Business:
No new business.


Zeldathon started today. People playing Legends of Zelda for charity. <>


James Webb Telescope launched successfully. Nice to see the onboard camera's 
live shot. Director of launch is Jean-Luc. 


Harold has been boosted.


Saw Hawkeye. Worth seeing through to the end. Acting & writing top notch. Not a 
breakthrough as WandaVision or bendy as Loki.
Yochanan: The finale stuck the landing in 8 episodes.
Alan: Wasn't into it at first. Liked Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin

DisConIII Pulled off with minimal disasters. 
Fred: Took place at a second choice venue. You can read all about the 
kerfuffles online. Went and visited galleries and museums while in DC.


Watching Don't Look Up (Netflix) Star studded cast. Very interesting film. 
Giant comet is heading to Earth. Did a really nice job sending up reality. Very 
good. Cookies in credits.
Alan: DiCaprio feels like a completely different actor.

Ron's Gone Wrong. Cute little movie. Science and Heart mix. Disney+

Legion of Rassilon Christmas Eve meeting. Wonderful. Gift exchange raffle. 
Watched Flux episodes 3 & 4. First episode  was whoah - non linear. Second was 
really good. Club need as many as possible to make the restaurant's minimum. 
January is the club's 40th anniversary.


Around the World in 80 Days. Starring David Tenant (who is one of the 
producers). Multi-national production. First two episodes so far on BBC (PBS in 
January) Great production, well cast (the others are not as well known). Can't 
comment on faithfulness to the source. Based on first two parts recommend.

Rumor of the Week:  

BASFA will  reorganize as a musical group called The Presiding Officer and the 

Adjourned at: 20:48
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