>>>>> "ES" == Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ES> [ no response in batik-users so desperately posting in dev ]

    Sorry, most of the Batik team was at SVG Open, then the SVG
working group meeting.

ES> I followed the instructions in the Pawson fop faq as follows:
ES> <image width="170" height="109"
ES> xlink:href="...

    This looks fine to me.

ES> This renders perfectly in a browser but fails when I try to render
ES> with fop, see below.

    When you use the browser I take it that is from a Batik download
or are you using the Batik jar included with FOP?

ES> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at

    This file does not seem to come close to matching what is in Batik
right now.  So I am unsure about what the problem is. It appears that
there is something wrong in the bootstrap of the Raster Image handler
infrastructure.  However since I don't recall ever encountering/fixing
such a bug in Batik I'm tending to suspect some sort of packaging bug.

    If at all possible you might try and see if a newer version of FOP
might reference a newer version of Batik (CVS?).

    You might also ask on one of the FOP dev lists.

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