
I am using Batik 1.5b4b version.
Through the app i am developing i let the user select a svg file and open
it. It opens and renders properly. The app also allows user to add more
<text> nodes to the SVG document. I take the value for the text node in a
JTextArea and create a text node and append to the SVGDocument. My problem
is that even after appending the new <text> node it doesn't show up on the
I tried doing the following:
1) setSVGDocument(doc)
2) repaint() on JSVGCanvas
3) repaint() on UpdateManager of the canvas.

but nothing worked. If i try writing the SVGDocument to a file, it contains
the <text> node which i appened. If i reopen this file again thru my app the
text node shows up. But i don't want it that way. I need the canvas to
refresh when the SVGDocument changes.

Please help!
I have appended my method which creates the new text node below.

Geeta Shukla
Persistent Systems Ltd, Pune, India - 16
Ph: (020)5678900*671

Note: i have tried creating attribute and element with NS, without NS and
with a null NS.. nothing works

        public void createAnnotationNode( String annotation, int x, int y, int
SVGWidth) throws Exception
                SVGDocument document = this.getSVGDocument();
                SVGSVGElement root = document.getRootElement();

                int xScale = x + (annotation.length()*12);
                if(xScale > SVGWidth)
                        root.setAttributeNS(null, "width", String.valueOf(xScale));

                // create the text
                Element text = document.createElementNS(null, "text");
                text.setAttributeNS(null,"x", String.valueOf(x));
                text.setAttributeNS(null,"y", String.valueOf(y));
                text.setAttributeNS(null,"style", "font-size:12");
                Text value = document.createTextNode(annotation);

                // attach the text to the svg root element

        }//end of method createTextNode

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