>>>>> "HG" == Hervé Girod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

HG> Hello, I'm currently trying to use Batik with an EMFGraphics2D
HG> (coming from FreeHep package) in order to generate a windows
HG> Metafile corresponding with a SVG document.

HG> (if I use a default TextPainter, texts are represented by bits of
HG> lines, but I want to obtain vector EMF text instead) : and
HG> although I'm able to retrieve the GVTFont (and its proper size),
HG> I'm not able to retrieve the text color in a TextNode =>

You were very close (from batik.gvt.font.AWTGVTGlyphVector):

        Paint fillPaint = (Paint)aci.getAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND);
        Stroke stroke = (Stroke) aci.getAttribute
        Paint strokePaint = (Paint) aci.getAttribute

HG> I'm surely completely forgetting something basic, but what ?...

    You were getting the value of the 'stroke' (the outline) not the

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