Hi Brian,

Brian Modra wrote:

Batik crashes when updating due to concurrent modification exceptions
in Sun's HashMap class. Rather than describe this in detail (it happens
in a number of different sequences of events) I think its enough to say
that the exceptions are thrown as a result of AWT thread doing a resize,
at the same time as batik's queue is processing something queued by
invokeLater. Both threads cause an SVG document update, which sometimes
causes the concurrent modification exception in the hash map.

   This is very interesting, first a few question:
   What version of Batik are you working with?
   What hash map?

I agree that this is a potentially serious issue, however I have not seen widespread
crashes in hash map, although I don't generally resize the document heavily (I don't use
an 'opaque' resize window manager for example). I'm especially concerned about this
as generally synchronization in Batik is not done through thread safe classes etc, but by
using thread level/Runnables synchronization. So your suggestion is likely masking the
real issue: someone doing something in an improper thread (like modifying AWT from the
Update thread or the DOM from the AWT thread) .

I've come across this type of problem before in other applications: its
due to Sun's HashMap not being thread safe. I looked at the problem and
decided that it would not take much effort to write a new HashMap class
which was just as fast, and also thread safe.

My new HashMap is fast, and its only synchronised where it absolutely
needs to be. It is completely thread safe - no concurrent modification
problems, and no blocking thread contentions.

I've modifying my copy of Batic sources so that it uses my HashMap
rather than any other HashMap or HashTable classes (Suns's or Batik's).
With the new HashMap class, the contentions go away, and I think this
results in a MUCH more stable SVG renderer.

Did you replace _all_ instances of HashMap/HashTable? No offence, doesn't that
strike you as a band-aid approach? For this to be the 'correct' answer one would
have to believe that HashMaps are the only concurrency issue in all of Batik. I would
really be much more interested in finding out what is causing the concurrent accesses
than attempting to make everything multi-thread safe, which is the road you are headed

Can I put these changes in to Batik's source code? Who should I talk to?

Vincent usually handles large contributions, but I'm not sure we are there yet.

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