
I want to parse an SVG document and then show it in AWT. Is it possible to build the GVT tree from an XML document, and then call the paint method on the root?

Thomas DeWeese wrote:

Hi Tim,

Tim Clerckx wrote:

Is it somehow possible to draw SVG on a java.awt.Canvas instead of using the JSVGCanvas swing component?

   Yes, internally Batik builds something called the GVT tree the
tree is made up of 'GraphicsNodes' which have a paint method
that takes a standard Graphics2D.

   The main purpose of the JSVGCanvas is to make drawing async,
manage an offscreen buffer, panning/zooming, and updates to the
screen.  If you just want to draw a simple static SVG you can
just call the 'paint' method with a graphics2D.  If you want all/most
of the above then you are probably best off using the JSVGCanvas.

   Search the list for GVTBuilder for example code on how to
build your own GVT tree.

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