My apologies if this is fixed in CVS, I'm still using 1.5.1

There appears to be a bug with referencing external fonts from an altGlyph.
This works fine (it display a treble clef):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg xmlns="";>
<text x="10" y="10"><altGlyph xmlns:xlink=""; xlink:href="file:/home/jshaw/Programming/cadenza/cadenza/build/uk/co/datumedge/cadenza/typeset/fonts/lilypond-feta.svg#trebleclef">?</altGlyph></text>

Where as this fails to find/load/display the font (it display as question mark):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg:svg xmlns:svg="";>
<svg:text x="10" y="10"><svg:altGlyph xmlns:xlink=""; xlink:href="file:/home/jshaw/Programming/cadenza/cadenza/build/uk/co/datumedge/cadenza/typeset/fonts/lilypond-feta.svg#trebleclef">?</svg:altGlyph></svg:text>

Sorry I can't offer a full testcase, but it's difficult for me to pull out the relevant pieces from my application.

Any insights much appreciated
James Shaw

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