Okay, as promised (no beer faeries), and in no particular order:

* Fix bbdb-whois
* Fix bbdb-merge
* Cygwin build problems

These will be fixed (preferably) or disabled before I put out a 2.2 release.

* If bbdb-american-phone-numbers is unset, don't parse phone numbers ever
* VM window problems
* Porting Robert Fenk's multiple-name stuff across to other MUAs

These are less important, but I'd like to get 'em in before a 2.2 release.

* Offer completion on address, phone labels, etc.
* Other autocomplete stuff (mail aliases, for example)
* labels for "net" field? (1 request)
* bbdb-signature - choose a signature based on BBDB entry
* bbdb-pgp - have code for this
* auto-generate mail-alias (2 requests, some code)
* Boris Goldowsky's sorting & mailrc code
* Geoffroy's VM hacks
* bbdb-export/import, encompassing
  bbdb-xml          -> bbdb filters, possibly a good starting point
  bbdb-to-outlook   -> bbdb filters
  bbdb-from-yahoo   -> bbdb filters
  bbdb-pilot -> bbdb filters, 
                Thomas Deweese's SyncBBDB
                Aldo's SyncAB

Chances are that these will be left for a post-2.2 release, but any
code I have will be left in the "bits" subdirectory should anyone feel
the need to hack on it themselves.

Waider. And maybe tomorrow I'll have a schedule!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

I really need to reinstate the witty comments, dammit.

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