>>>>> On January 29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 >> Well, since someone else is doing the same thing...  You should
 >> change the first line from `@echo on' to `@echo off'.  I think
 >> that there is some problem with the generated file
 >> `bbdb-autoloads.el'.  This files ends up being a single ^L.  I
 >> think that it will eliminate the number of (require 'bbdb-xxxx)
 >> that you need to set up.

>>>>> "Ronan" == Ronan Waide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 Ronan> This problem is happening with the configure build under
 Ronan> cygwin as well, and I'm not sure why. I'd suggest not
 Ronan> overwriting the bbdb-autoloads.el that comes with the
 Ronan> distribution. It may well be possible to make an emacs-based
 Ronan> build for makeless platforms which simply sets appropriate
 Ronan> variables and does a full-directory byte-compile.

 Ronan> Then again, maybe that's asking for trouble.

Ok, here is a batch file that seems to give pretty good results at my
end.  I have NT v4.0, emacs-20.7 and gnus-5.8.3. Maybe Yair Friedman
can give it a try; I forget whether he had NT or 98/2000.  I changed a
few things, %VAR% is the form for DOS based batch crap.  Don't just
substitute `$' with `%'.  Also, you need "quotes" around the %VAR% to
make a comparison to nothing on NT.

Anyways, maybe if this works for some other people you could include
it with the bbdb distribution... Then again, maybe that's asking for
trouble, but at least it is here.


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Make file

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