> | bbdb: cannot acces the name field this way
> This can only be prevented if I kill the .bbdb-buffer.  Then the
> immediate following search is succesful and all following attempts to
> search fail again.
> I have tracked this down to `;;; user-fields: (name ...)' in my .bbdb
> file. I do not know which function inserted this user-fields but this is
> very confusing. (As I started to use XEmacs/Gnus/BBDB I didn't know how
> to handle this error.)
> ,----[ ~/.bbdb ]
> | ;;; file-version: 6
> | ;;; user-fields: (name comment mailer newsgroups)
> | ["Bart" "Simpson" nil nil nil nil ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") ((notes
> |  . "Do you know me?") (creation-date . "2001-11
> | -05") (timestamp . "2001-11-08") (last-subj . "Who is Lisa?") (mailer
> | . "Simpson Mail")) nil]
> `----
> A a solution to this error I delete the whole `user-fields' line. Is
> this the recommed way? Which functionality is provided by the
> `user-fields' they don't seem to me to match my user-fields as I also
> have a field `creation-date', `xface' and so on.
> Can this line safely be deleted?

Only remove the name element.
Then open the .bbdb file and search for the string "(name . " -- there
should be no instances of it.

> Is this a bug, should I make a bug report?

This is a bug.  I think you can recreate this as follows:  Put point
on a record, hit C-o name RET y Alex RET.  This way you created a
comment field (annotation) called "name", which is bogus.  BBDB barfs
with "if: bbdb: cannot annotate the name field this way".  But if you
then change any field, and save the BBDB, your file contains the name
element.  In my case:

;;; user-fields: (gnus-private gnus-public irc-nick finger-host irc-channel name)

This is the bug.


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