I have a BBDB with data in German and Japanese, so at the beginning of
my .bbdb I have the magic cookie ;; -*-coding: iso-2022-7bit;-*-
bbdb-file-coding-system is set to 'iso-2022-7bit, and I have the
following in my .emacs:

(add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist
             (cons "\\.bbdb\\'" bbdb-file-coding-system))

Everything works -- except for printing.  No surprises, there.

So now I am looking for a way to print the stuff via TeX.  If I could
use LaTeX instead of TeX, I could at least
\usemodule[latin1]{inputenc} or whatever the correct thing to use is.
I could then omit all the fields that contain $ signs (eg. X-Faces),
and elide the Japanese entries...  But first this is TeX and not
LaTeX... and then this is still a suboptimal solution.  Does anybody
know of any other bbdb-print solution?  If not, I will just use
ps-print-buffer...  It looks ugly, but at least the data is there.


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