I've read the following in the "info" pages:


       Whether   bbdb   mode   should   be   "electric"   like
       `electric-buffer-list'.  Default:  `t'.  Basically this
       means that  when you type space after  `M-x bbdb', your
       window configuration  will be  restored to what  it was
       before  you  invoked  the  db list.   (The  `bbdb-mode'
       commands   still  work  as   well.)

After setting "bbdb-electric-p" to `t', I entered 'M-x bbdb' followed
by a space.  What I saw in the minibuffer was:

        M-x bbdb-

(I.e., it was waiting for a full completion).

Obviously, I don't know what I'm doing!

Can someone please explain the "M-x bbdb <SPACE>" usage?

Prof Kenneth H Jacker       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science Dept       www.cs.appstate.edu/~khj
Appalachian State Univ
Boone, NC  28608  USA        

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