On July 20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 19:40:14 +0200 Xavier Maillard wrote:
> Xavier> Is anybody aware of some functions/modules being able to make BBDB and
> Xavier> PGG paly nicely together ?
> Xavier> I mean : does PGG would know when it can automatically encrypt/sign a
> Xavier> message according to a BBDB field ?
> There is bbdb-pgp.el in bbdb/bits. I use a slightly modified version
> (i.e. no mailcrypt required, configurable to ask less questions...).
> I am not sure how the "no-mailcrypt" issue should be handled
> correctly. Once it is, I would like to see it updated in bbdb cvs.

Feel free to contribute a patch; if nothing else, it'll be kept in the
mailing list  archive for people to look at.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

"Crying for sympathy / crocodile cries / for the love of the crowd and the
 three cheers from everyone" - The Cure, _Disintegration_

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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