I have been using vm with bbdb under xemacs for quite a while.  I've
just been switched from mandrake 8.2 to mandrake 9.2.  It has xemacs
21.4 (patch 14), and vm 7.14.  I'm not certain of the bbdb version but
apparently it is xemacs pkg 1.23, because the Changelog in
/usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/bbdb starts with

> 2003-05-18  Norbert Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         * Makefile (VERSION): XEmacs package 1.23 released.
> 2003-05-14  Vin Shelton  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         * Makefile (REQUIRES): Added os-utils to find jka-compr,
> necessary
>         to compile mhe.
> 2003-05-14  Norbert Koch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         * Makefile (VERSION): XEmacs package 1.22 released.

When I run xemacs in a terminal window -- 'xemacs -nw' -- then vm/bbdb
work fine.  But when I run xemacs as an X application -- 'xemacs &' --
and then start vm, I get an error with the following at the top of the
debug output:

Signaling: (invalid-function (macro . #<compiled-function nil "...(2)"
[(mapcar-extents (quote identity))] 1>))

I am guessing this means there is something wrong with the compilation
of bbdb-list-extents()? This appears to live in bbdb-gui.elc.  (The
Mandrake installation only has .elc files, not .el files.)

I am also guessing the only fix is to grab the bbdb source and
recompile and reinstall it?  Does anyone know of a simpler fix? (I'm
not the sysadmin and the easier the solution I bring him to implement
the better ...)

And does anyone know if this is a known problem and/or who if anyone
should be alerted to fix it?

I'd appreciate it if answers were cc'd to me as I'm not a regular
reader of the bbdb list.

Many thanks --

Ken Miller

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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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