Eraldo Helal <> writes:
> In my bbdb file I have some empty stings and some nil values.
> I suspect inconsistancy due to importing data from gmail and cell phone.
> I now have some entries with first and last name emprty '["" ""'.
> Most of them have a net address only.
> When they get displeyed I get a blank line (where the name is normaly)
> and the net address in the second.
> The problem is however that I cannot change the name!
> When I am in the blank line and press 'e' I get this message 'on an
> unfield'.
> Any idea how to fix my database and where to find information on where
> an emty string is desired and where is found it's way without intention.

Maybe this is a bit of a hack, but why not just edit the ~/.bbdb file?
It's text, so you could hack together a keyboard macro or maybe do a
query replace regex (C-M-%), replacing ^\["" with ^\["editme" or

Obviously, save a copy of ~/.bbdb first...


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