"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

> I am thinking about ways to make the formatting of snail mail
> addresses more flexible. 
This is a good idea; the current BBDB handling seems very
US-centered. For one, I think "Postal code" should replace the American
term "Zip code" as default naming, as this seems to be the generic term.

> I am thinking about replacing this scheme by a generic function
> bbdb-format-address that uses some kind of format strings for
> addresses from different countries.
> If I remember correctly, Europe introduced zip codes like CH-8052,
> NL-2300RA, and SE-132 54
I guess this stems from ISO-3166? It does seem appealing to use this
standard, but it could take some effort to implement; e.g. would a
lookup table be necessary?

> I am not yet sure what is the best way how to combine a look-up table
> based on country names with a zip-based scheme.
Wikipedia lists a few formattings of postal codes; however this is not
defined in ISO-3166. Maybe there's some other source for this though...


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