On Fri Apr 22 2011 Leo wrote:
> As stated in the subject line.

Good catch!

The "degree" field is possibly not named in the best way. For me,
the motivation has been in academics (which is a significant part of
my bbdb database). Yet I could envision other uses, too.

> I still find the firstname + lastname + degree not able to cover some
> use cases. For example: Professor Sir (Robert) Brian Heap CBE FRS.
> vCard has N type that has:
>    surname, given name, additional, prefix, suffix
> which is more accommodating.

I don't know whether it's worth the effort to break this down in
such a fairly complicated way.

I guess it's fair to say that most names *can* be broken down into
first and last name. When I travel around the world, these are the
fields I need to fill out on the forms when entering a country. 
So whatever someone's name is, he or she knows how to break it down
to squeeze it into two such fields.

>From a rather different perspective, I can say here that I am also
maintaining bibtex-mode for GNU Emacs (how am I ending up with all
this database modes for Emacs???). BibTeX likewise assumes that
names are essentially made out of essentially two pieces, first and
last names, though it offers a fair amount of flexiblity to squeeze
prefixes and suffixes into its scheme based on first and last names.

In that sense, I'd guess it would get rather complicated and
probably not worth the effort to have lots of additional fields
associated with the name of a person.

A rather different question is more related to the BBDB internals.
In BDBB, names are entered into a hash table that is used for things
like completion (which, by the way, would also become much more
complicated if the name consisted of more than two fields). The idea
of the degree field has been that it is outside these name-related
mechanisms of BBDB. You could say: this is just what note fields are
for. Yes, that's right. But then my thinking has been that note
fields are normally displayed at the end of each record, which is
rather "far away". So I thought it would be good to have one field
displayed closer to the name.

A more generic name for this field would probably be better.
"Name-additional" sounds rather clumsy, but it is kind of what it
could be.

All these thought are not 100% mature and final. Suggestions
welcome! From a different perspective, I want to add that if someone
doesn't care about this field, he or she can completely ignore it
and should never notice that it is available.


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