> * Sam Steingold <f...@tah.bet> [2011-12-27 13:19:50 -0500]:
> Now, how do I prevent such useless first/last name from being set from
> the mail in the first place?

they are coming from this code:

        ;; first try to get a reasonable default name if not given
        ;; often I get things like <firstname>.<surname>@ ...
        (if (or (null name) (and (stringp name) (string= "" name)))
            (if (string-match "^[^@]+" mail)
                (setq name (bbdb-message-clean-name (match-string 0 mail)))))

I think this should be removed.
I can hardly imagine giving name "foo" to the record based on
"f...@bar.com" as something useful - especially since when you get a
message form "John Doe <f...@bar.com>" you will have to endure an
interrogation: use "John Doe" instead of "foo"? keep "foo" as an "AKA"?

At the very least it should be optional!

Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric) X 11.0.11004000
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